Cookie Policy
1. Introduction
This Policy on cookies applies to all users of the website The information presented below aims to inform the users of this website about the placement, use and administration of cookies by METALLER WINDOWS SRL, in the context of browsing users on this website.
2. What are cookies?
We use the term "cookies" to refer to cookies and similar technologies through which information can be collected automatically.
An "Internet Cookie" (also known as a "browser cookie" or "HTTP cookie" or "cookie") is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, that will be stored on your computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user through which the Internet is accessed.
Cookies are installed at the request of a web server to a browser (eg Edge, Firefox, Chrome). Once installed, cookies have a determined lifespan, remaining "passive", in the sense that they do not contain software, viruses or spyware and will not access the information on the hard driver of the user on whose equipment they were installed.
More information about cookies and what they are here:
Technically, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the web page associated with that web server.
3. For what purposes are cookies used through this website:
Cookies are used to ensure the operation of the site and to provide users of this website with a better browsing experience and information tailored to the interest of each user, namely for:
• improving the use of this website, updates, functionality and content
• providing anonymous statistics on how this website is used to METALLER WINDOWS SRL, as the owner of this website.
• remembering that you have seen the information message about cookies and have accepted or used the necessary ones - functional
• memorizing some details that are strictly related to the correct functionality of the website
4. What is the lifetime of cookies?
The lifetime of cookies varies, depending on its type and the purpose for which it is placed.
• Session cookies - These files are deleted once you leave the website
• Persistent or fixed cookies - This file remains in the user's computer for a period of time until it reaches an expiration date - this varies from minutes to days. These cookies can be deleted manually from the user's browser at any time.
5. What are cookies placed by third parties?
Certain sections of content on the website may be provided through third parties, ie not by GEVOLT BLUE LINE SRL - These cookies are called third-party cookies.
These cookies that come through third parties must comply with GDRP standards for the protection of personal data. uses data only from Google Analytics
• Google Analytics: traffic analysis and obtaining anonymous statistics on how to use the site.
6. What cookies are used through this website:
By using / visiting the website, the following cookies can be placed:
Functional cookies: those necessary for the operation of the site.
Functional cookies
This type of cookie stores the user's preferences for this website, so resetting the preferences when you visit the website is no longer necessary.
Specifically, through cookies placed by the website's CMS.
Another cookie placed by webisite notes that you have seen the cookie policy message and that you have accepted it or not, so that the message will not be displayed to you the next time you visit the site. If you do not want this cookie, press that you do not want cookies in the bar of that information message.
Another cookie keeps track of the traffic on the site, which pages were visited, where the readers came from and where they went. This cookie is placed by Google Analytics and we have activated the options to anonymize the users' IP, so that the traffic data is purely statistical. Read more details in Google Analytics' privacy policy and cookies policy.
7. What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies?
Cookies are very small text files and allow the recognition of the Browser and certain settings. They do not contain personal data. This web page recognizes this element
8. Customize browser settings for cookies
If the computer or technical equipment you use to browse this web page is used only by you, longer deadlines may be set for data storage, browsing history and cookies.
If the computer or technical equipment you use to browse this web page is used by more than one person, there is the possibility to delete individual browsing data when the browser is closed. The required settings can be found in the user's browser.
9. How can cookies be stopped?
The page uses only functional cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the website.
Users can configure the browser to reject all cookies or to accept only cookies from desired pages.
Browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. Options and preferences that block these files can be accessed on the settings page.
• Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
• Cookie settings in Firefox
• Cookie settings in Chrome
• Cookie settings in Safari
For any additional questions about how cookies are used through this website, please contact